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Frequently asked questions


Is Telehealth/Virtual Care safe?

Absolutely. Safety and quality is at the centre of everything we do. Telehealth is only one of the many types of care we provide. Your healthcare professional will let you know if this type of care is suitable for you and your clinical situation. The same clinical processes and procedures occur for Telehealth as they do for in-person appointments.

How secure and private is Telehealth?

All appointments conducted via our Telehealth platform are private and secure. NSW Health clinicians use a dedicated video conferencing platform to ensure your privacy and confidentiality. Telehealth appointments are not recorded without your permission. As with an in-person appointment, notes will be taken during your appointment by the healthcare provider. These notes will be entered into your medical record which is also confidential.

​​​​​​Is there a cost to Telehealth?

There is no cost to access Telehealth as an appointment option. You do not need to purchase any software to participate. However, some clinics may request your permission to bulkbill Medicare at the beginning of the consultation – as would usually occur in-person.


Please note, if dialling in from home, Telehealth will use some of your internet data/capacity. A 15 minute consultation uses approximately 130 megabytes (Mb) of your data plan. If you join the call with your GP, you will need to ask them if there will be any cost to you.

​What if I prefer face-to-face consultations?

Telehealth can be part of your care plan, but only if you want it to be. You can always choose to see a clinician in-person. If you experience Telehealth and decide you prefer consults in-person, you may request that your follow up appointment is booked as in-person. Be mindful Telehealth might also be the only option available during extreme situations – such as a COVID-19 outbreak.

What if I am not familiar with technology?

Our platforms are very easy to use. You should receive clear instructions on how to access them from your health service provider and user guides are available in the resource section. If you require additional support, you may ask a family member or friend to help with setting up Telehealth for you. Feel free to ask any questions you have both before, during and after the consultation to your healthcare service.  

What is Telehealth etiquette?

​A Telehealth appointment is very similar to an in-person appointment. However, the freedom Telehealth offers to a clinical appointment must be respected. For example, it is not recommended to connect to your clinician from public spaces, like an open-plan office, supermarket or train station. To read more about etiquette, please access PDF icon Information about Telehealth for patients External Link.

How is Virtual Care making a difference?

Telehealth/Virtual Care brings a modern approach to healthcare. By removing the distance barrier, rural patients have increased access to specialists, family members and carers can support clinical appointments, and several aspects of healthcare can happen in a timely manner. During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare delivered via Telehealth/Virtual Care has been particularly effective to limit physical contact between patients and clinicians during periods of restrictions.


You can find more information around how virtual care is making a difference here External Link.