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HomeNews2020 child protection awards winners crowned

2020 child protection awards winners crowned

Health workers have a unique opportunity to advocate and prioritise children and young people’s safety, welfare and wellbeing, and connect families with support.

On September 7 health workers across Northern Sydney Local Health District were recognised for their work in making this opportunity a reality at the NSLHD Child and Young Person Wellbeing and Protection Awards.

Held during National Child Protection Week, the event celebrated the achievements of individuals, teams and services whose child focused practice supports the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children and young people in Northern Sydney.

Associate Professor Elisabeth Murphy, Director of Child, Youth and Family, hosted the event and Executive Director of Operations Elizabeth Wood presented the awards.

Special guest speakers from The Cornucopia Committee; President Maureen Thornett and Secretary Sue Beston attended, and video entertainment was provided by Royal North Shore Hospital Child Care Centre.

Congratulations to all of the winners:

Individual – Excellence

  • Alison Eastwood, RNS Occupational Therapist, Child Youth and Family Health


Individual - Highly Commended

  • Ian Cappleman, RNS Occupational Therapy Team Lead, Child Youth and Family Health


Individual – Certificate of Recognition

  • Saw Bee Hogan, NS and Ryde Early Childhood Nurse, Child Youth and Family Health
  • Kate Tolley, NSLHD Youth Health CNC, Child Youth and Family Health


Service or Team – Excellence

  • Child & Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS) School-Link
  • Child & Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS) Got It!


Service or Team – Highly Commended

  • Hornsby Mental Health Intensive Care Unit (MHICU)
  • Hornsby Child & Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS)


Service or Team – Certificate of Recognition

  • Lower North Shore Child & Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS)
  • North Shore Ryde Outreach Support for Children and Adolescents (OSCA)


Collaborative Practice – Excellence

  • Sarah Hobson, Clinical Coordinator, Transitional Aged Care Program
  • Vicki Laing, GP Community Liaison Nurse CNS2, Child and Family Health


Collaborative Practice – Highly Commended

  • Laila Zarour, Medico-legal Advisor, Northern Sydney Health Information Service


Collaborative Practice – Certificate of Recognition

  • Lauren Huntley, NSLHD Youth Health RN, Child Youth and Family Health
  • Susan Barrett, Social Worker, Northern Beaches Child and Youth Mental Health Service
  • Northern Beaches Safe Start Multidisciplinary Case Discussion, Child Youth and Family Health

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