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Work with Us

Work with us

  • We Value our Employees

    Working with NSLHD is an excellent career choice. We provide rewarding experiences, excellent employment conditions and a range of benefits that help you balance work and life.

Health Professionals and Students

Health professionals and students

  • Career paths

    Careers in health are not just for doctors and nurses. Find out about the full range of roles and professional opportunities available at NSLHD.

  • University Students

    We welcome students at NSLHD. To find out how you can be best prepared for your placement with us, review the available tips and resources.

Talent and staff development

Talent and staff development

  • Two men training on an dummy patient doll

    NSLHD is a learning organisation. The education and training offered to our employees is learner-centric and provides contemporary, educationally sound and context specific educational opportunities to the workforce.

  • Three women clincians seated and smiling from their desks

    The NSLHD Leadership Strategy makes explicit what kind of leaders we need, with what skills and behaving in what fashion individually and collectively to achieve the total success we seek as a health district.

  • Two cyclist in front of RNS hospital building

    NSLHD has a strong commitment to assisting our staff with health and wellbeing, acknowledging that different people have different needs and priorities. Central to our approach are four key pillars: healthy bodies, healthy places, healthy minds and healthy culture.