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HomeNewsCelebrating virtual care

Clinicians working in virtual care recently celebrated Virtual Care Awareness Week through a series of webinars.

The week, which ran from October 16 to October 22 brings attention each year to virtual care and the increasingly important role it’s playing across healthcare.

Acting Clinical Director NSLHD Virtual Care Service Pearl Wang said the week brings important attention to the role virtual care currently plays as well as the role it has in the future of healthcare.

“Virtual Care Awareness Week allows us to reflect on our successes, but also to learn from the experience of others so we can continue to develop our services to better meet the healthcare needs of Australians,” she said.

Pearl said that virtual care enables improved accessibility to healthcare, and she hopes that it will continually enable those in the community to receive the appropriate care from the comfort of their living areas.

“I’m very passionate about the potential virtual care has to improve access to healthcare for vulnerable groups, people living in rural areas and those with weakened immune systems or mobility issues,” she said.

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