International Day of the Midwife was celebrated on 5 May across Northern Sydney Local Health District.
Staff at Hornsby and Royal North Shore hospitals celebrated with morning and afternoon teas, awards and even a visit from Delta Dogs.
This year’s theme was Together Again: From Evidence to Reality.
NSLHD Director of Nursing and Midwifery Claire Harris said this is a nod to the upcoming 33rd International Confederation of Midwives’ Triennial Congress, where the global midwife community will come together for the first time in more than five years.
“For our midwives, you take on such a special role in so many people’s lives,” she said.
“The support, education and care you provide stays with parents and families long after they have left our hospitals and services.
“Thank you to each and every one of you working in our hospitals and supporting families in our community, and providing compassionate care at such a life-changing time for many.
“Your dedication, skill and compassionate care is felt by thousands of women, their partners and families.”
Last year staff cared for more than 5195 babies born at Royal North Shore and Hornsby hospitals.