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HomeNewsNational award for 'outstanding' NSLHD Clinical Director

National award for 'outstanding' NSLHD Clinical Director

Professor Chris Little who has received a highly coveted award for his outstanding commitment to orthopaedic research.

Professor Little has been elected a Fellow of International Orthopaedic Research at a key international conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. The award is only presented every three years, with around 20 people across the globe receiving the accolade. 

Fellows are recognised for their leadership, service, achievement and dedication to the field oforthopaedic research.

Chris has welcomed the recognition, while acknowledging the support he’s received.

“I am very proud to have been made a Fellow of International Orthopaedic Research,” he said. 

“While I have received the award, it’s actually a reflection of the wonderful work that has been done by all the researchers in my group over the years.

“It is an honour to be nominated by one of the International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS) – and in my case, the US Orthopaedic Research Society.

While I have received the award, it’s actually a reflection of the wonderful work that has been done by all the researchers in my group over the years.
Professor Christ Little

“ICORS member organisations are represented across the world. They have a crucial role advancing orthopaedic and musculoskeletal research by promoting basic, translational, and clinical research worldwide.

“This is an important part of progressing valuable research across the globe and improving long-term health outcomes.” 

Chris was presented with the award by ICORS president Gun-Il Im and FIOR Chair Brian Johnstone, who thanked him for his outstanding leadership and dedication to orthopaedic and musculoskeletal research.

Chris has a clinical and research career spanning more than three decades. He is the Director of the Raymond Purves Bone and Joint Research Lab at the Kolling Institute and a member of the Charles Perkins Centre.

Chris is a qualified veterinarian with specialist surgery training. His research focuses on defining the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of joint pathology in osteoarthritis, as well as tendon and intervertebral disc degeneration.

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