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HomeNewsLife saving gift to increase access to the world’s best cancer care

Life saving gift to increase access to the world’s best cancer care

The first steps towards a globally-recognised cancer clinical trials and research centre on the RNSH campus were taken this week, with national and international experts coming together to discuss the establishment of the new facility.

It has been made possible by a $20 million donation from Kay Van Norton Poche and her husband Greg. 

They have also donated a further $20 million to the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in New York, who will partner with RNSH to increase the impact of the centre.

Chief Exeuctive Anthony Schembri addressed the foundational event, saying the district was tremendously grateful for the transformative gift.
“It is the largest donation we have ever received at northern Sydney,” he said.

“It means we have a unique opportunity to accelerate the clinical trial process, to increase access and to improve the lives of those living with cancer.”

The centre is set to be located within Royal North Shore and North Shore Private hospitals, and will recruit patients from metropolitan, rural and indigenous communities. 

Anthony said the district’s focus on cancer clinical trials will be part of our vision to strengthen our clinical trial and research expertise across NSLHD. 

“We hope this wonderful gift from Kay Van Norton Poche and Greg Poche will encourage other donors to contribute to our broader research and clinical trial activities, which are leading to improvements in care across a whole range of health challenges such as heart and kidney disease, musculoskeletal issues and chronic pain.”

NSLHD Chair of Research Professor Bruce Robinson said the key aim is to increase participation in clinical trials and access to the very latest care.

“We know that despite an $80 billion investment in cancer research and development globally, only five per cent of patients with cancer take part in a clinical trial,” he said.

“We must lift those numbers if we want to significantly improve health outcomes and eradicate cancer as a major cause of death.

“It is a very exciting time for us, for clinicians and researchers at northern Sydney and beyond, and we are establishing working groups as part of our next steps.

“If you would like to be involved in a working group or would like to submit your ideas about the new centre, please email [email protected].” 

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