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HomeNewsNSLHD fostering high quality hip care

NSLHD fostering high quality hip care

NSLHD has been recognised in the Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry’s (ANZHFR) 2023 annual report for hip care treatment.

The report ranks and benchmarks 117 hospitals across Australia and New Zealand against the current Australian and New Zealand standards. 

RNSH impressively stood out as the highest performer in the ‘time to surgery’ indicator in the report, with an impressive 97 per cent of patients receiving surgery within the recommended timeframe of 36 hours, which is considerably higher than the Australian hospital average of 76 per cent.

In the same indicator, Ryde Hospital ranked third, whilst Hornsby Hospital ranked 10th, marking a very successful year in hip surgery for the district.
RNSH also had the shortest average time to surgery in Australia at just 23 hours.

Clinical Network Manager Stephanie Laurent said the results indicate a fantastic culture around hip care across NSLHD.

“Compassion is at the core of what we do with hip surgery across NSLHD, so these results are extremely pleasing” she said.

“Leaving an older person immobilised, bed bound, fasting and often in pain is not at all desirable and there are potential broader consequences of delayed surgery like increased length of stay and the potential of postoperative complications.”

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