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HomeNewsNew outdoor meeting space is a breath of fresh air

New outdoor meeting space is a breath of fresh air

Families have been given a new outdoor space to meet with specialists while attending the Coral Tree Family Service at North Ryde.

Coral Tree is a NSW state-wide tertiary referral service that aims to assist children and their families experiencing significant difficulties with mental health, behaviour, emotions and relationships.

Located on the Macquarie Hospital campus, the service helps children aged 12 years and under who many have long-standing difficulties in their home, school and social environments.

Manager Cathryn Mcelroy said the new space was an alternative meeting space away from a clinical setting.

"Some of our families have experienced trauma and been in many doctors’ rooms so having a space outdoors is a good alternative for them," Cathryn said.

"Parents are even coming to use it for some quiet time and watch their children play.

Parents are even coming to use it for some quiet time and watch their children play.
Cathryn Mcelroy Coral Tree Family Service Manager

"It has come just in time for Coronavirus so it has been good for social distancing and giving clinicians another space that’s not indoors."

Coral Tree offers family residential programs which involves the family of the referred child attending a planned four-night residential stay (Monday to Friday). Goals are set at the beginning of a family’s stay, and the ‘living in’ nature of the program allows for opportunities to find and practise new ways of relating and managing issues within a supported environment. This program is available to families who reside anywhere in NSW.

A clinical school program is offered in partnership with Arndell School. Children attend the co-located school for up to three terms, while engaging therapeutically with Coral Tree. This program is available to families who reside within a manageable commuting distance.

Other services offered include a day program and consultations with other mental health professionals in NSW Health services, who are seeking input from Coral Tree to support their work with families that are struggling to make progress.

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