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HomeNewsPlastic free July

Sustainability efforts have been in full swing at Mona Vale Hospital (MVH) and Brookvale Community Health Centre (BCHC) as part of Plastic Free July.

Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution, with a focus on encouraging the use of single-use coffee cups.

Participating in the movement was encouraged by the MVH and the BCHC Sustainability Committee which is chaired by A/General Manager MVH Mathivanan Sakthivel.

Mathivanan said the committee are always looking for ways to contribute to NSLHD’s planetary health efforts on the journey to net zero.

We work hard to reinforce simple things that can be done by reminding our teams to be conscious about the use of plastic items where they can
A/General Manager MVH Mathivanan Sakthivel

“Plastic Free July has been a great opportunity to raise some awareness about small changes having a significant impact of a period of time.

“We also try and make these efforts the whole year round. We’ve had our makeshift ‘recycle centre’ set up at BCHC in the population health promotion office for coffee cups, reusable bowls, stationary, batteries and some nice treats to thank staff for their efforts.”

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