“I am so glad we finally reached this day - it has been so long coming with COVID-19 having an effect on all of us both professionally but also personally.
“Even though COVID-19 has changed so much of how we do life, it’s incredible to think that this is the start of things slowly moving towards the new norms of life post COVID-19.
“I am so proud to be a part of that!”
The COVID-19 vaccine is being made available to those most in need of protection first. These groups have been identified based on national expert advice.
Quarantine workers and emergency department staff, like Abi, have been identified amongst the priority groups.
NSLHD Chief Executive Deb Willcox said once the COVID-19 vaccines have been rolled out to priority groups, doses will be made available to all other staff and the broader community.
“We have been immensely fortunate in NSW and not seen any community transmission of COVID-19 for some time, so we have plenty of time to deliver the vaccine with a staged approach,” she said.
“Thank you to everyone involved in the massive logistical effort to get the staff COVID-19 vaccination program up and running.
“This truly is a historic and exciting time for us all.”