Authorised security officers at Northern Sydney Local Health District health facilities have been enforcing our smoke-free by law since it was introduced in 2015.
This includes using e-cigarettes, or vaping. Every time you see a ‘no smoking’ sign in your workplace, it also refers to vaping. E-cigarettes have been known to contain dangerous chemicals such as heavy metals and solvents and may damage your health.
Not only are staff not permitted to smoke or vape on NSLHD sites, they are not permitted to assist patients to smoke or vape. Please don’t escort patients to smoke or ask our security officers to do so, as it would be a breach of staff code of conduct.
Patients who have a nicotine addiction should be supported with compassion and referred to their medical team to be assessed for suitability for Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). The most important thing smokers and vapers can do to improve their health is quit.
Your health service is here to help. Staff can receive cessation support and access to four weeks free NRT from Staff Health. Contact your local team on:
Royal North Shore: 9462 9430
Hornsby Ku-ring-gai: 9477 9128
Ryde: 9858 7643
Mona Vale: 9998 0543
Macquarie: 9887 5653
For further help to quit call the Quitline on 13 7848 (13 QUIT) or visit
Search ‘smoke free NSLHD’ on the intranet for information on resources and guides to help promote a smoke-free workplace and support patients.