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HomeHospitals and ServicesCommunity Aged Care & Rehabilitation Service (CAReS) - Ryde Hospital

Community Aged Care & Rehabilitation Service (CAReS) - Ryde Hospital

Building 17


9 Denistone Rd



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Community Aged Care & Rehabilitation Service (CAReS) - Ryde Hospital

Contact us

General enquiries: (02) 9858 7411 

Fax number: (02) 9858 7077

Email: [email protected]


Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:30

What we do

We provide a community/outpatient based service for older people.

Aquatic Physiotherapy
Promotion of mobility, functional ability with exercise classes in warm water.

  • Aquatic physiotherapy assessment
  • Aquatic physiotherapy group classes

Medical Assessments
Promote health by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities in older adults.

  • Geriatrician consultations
  • Rehabilitation specialist consultations
  • Dementia screening
  • Falls management service
  • Urgent home visits
  • Frailty Assessments
  • Family and case conference
  • Pre-aquatic physiotherapy assessments

Nutrition and Dietetics
Optimising food for health and wellbeing.

  • Community based assessment and management of nutrition related problems including weight loss, under nutrition, poor appetite, reduced food and fluid intake.
  • Training and education for service providers.

Occupational Therapy
Adapting the environment, modifying the task and education to enhance performance of daily activities.

  • Community: visits to assist in maximising independence in daily living activities, home modifications and equipment prescription.
  • Outpatients: rehabilitation including upper limb retraining, education in joint protection, energy conservation and splinting.

Parkinson’s Program
A specialised service in the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease.

  • Medically led
  • Case conference structure
  • Multidisciplinary model of care
  • Tailored to individual needs
  • Lee Silverman Voice Treatments® (LSVT LOUD®)
  • LSVT BIG® Treatments
  • Parkinson’s group treatment

Promotion of mobility, functional ability, quality of life and movement.

  • Mobility assessments
  • Walking aid recommendations and education
  • Falls prevention strategies
  • Exercise prescription
  • Balance and falls prevention groups
  • Fit and strong – targeting frail/pre-frail
  • Outpatients and community visits


  • Provision of care for older people who have ulcerations or may be at risk of developing debilitating foot problems
  • Falls prevention assessment

Social Work
Enhancement of social function and overall wellbeing.

  • Coping strategies
  • Empowerment
  • Advocacy and service access

Speech Pathology
Evaluation and treatment of communication and swallowing disorders.

  • Outpatients & community visits
  • Assessment and management of swallowing disorders
  • Assessment and management of communication disorders, including: language, speech, voice, fluency and alternative communication

What to bring

  • When booking your appointment you will be advised what will be required.
  • Medicare card

When to visit us

  • Clients over 65 years old
  • Clients from Ryde or Hunters Hill local government areas
  • Clients under the age of 65 whose needs are unable to be met by a specialised provider, may be accepted on an individual basis

How to visit us

Ryde Hospital provides 350 free car parking spaces spread across six car parks. The main carpark comprises both covered and open air parking spaces via Denistone Road. The other large capark is a covered carpark in the basement of the Graythwaite Rehabilitation Centre via Fourth Avenue. There is a patient drop off zone outside the emergency department.

There is 1 hour parking in front of the CAReS building, or transport can be arranged on an individual basis. 


Referral information

Please call the service to discuss what is required for individual services.

Other information

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