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HomeHospitals and ServicesSpeech Pathology - Mona Vale Hospital

Speech Pathology - Mona Vale Hospital

Beachside Rehabilitation Unit,

Ground Floor,

Mona Vale hospital,

Coronation Street

Mona Vale


Speech Pathology - Mona Vale Hospital

Contact us

Phone: (02) 9998 6199

Fax: (02) 9998 6032

eMail: [email protected]

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 16:30

What we do

Our clients have a range of long-term conditions, including stroke, Parkinson's disease, motor neurone disease, dementia and respiratory illness.

We are not generally able to treat patients whose condition is the result of hearing impairment or who have lifelong conditions, such as autistic spectrum disorders.


Outpatient Rehabilitation

Our team of Speech Pathologists at Mona Vale Hospital provide high quality assessment, management and education to patients and their families who are experiencing difficulties associated with acquired swallowing and communication disorders. We offer a range of treatment options, depending upon the presenting problem. This includes individual therapy, group therapy, computer-based therapy, carer support and advice.

Our outpatient rehabilitation service is primarily provided in our clinic, located at Mona Vale Hospital. There is also limited availability to attend appointments at Brookvale Community Health Centre, however clients may experience a longer waiting time for an appointment.

Please note there is a waiting list for our service and you will be seen on a priority basis.


Communication Disorders

  • Aphasia (a language disorder that can affect skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing)
  • Dysarthria (a speech disorder that is the result of muscle weakness or incoordination)
  • Apraxia of speech (a motor speech disorder that results in the inability to control the muscles used to form words).
  • Cognitive communication disorder (a disorder in social communication skills as a result of cognitive impairment)
  • Dysphonia (a change in the sound of voice as a result of damage to the voice-box or upper airway).
  • Neurogenic dysfluency / stuttering (difficulty in producing speech in a normal, smooth manner)


Swallowing Disorders

A swallowing disorder is known as 'dysphagia'. Our initial assessment involves assessing the nerves and muscles involved in swallowing as well as trialling various food and fluid consistencies. Our management of a swallowing disorder may involve making recommendations to modify food/fluid consistencies, introducing safe swallowing strategies, and/or introducing a therapy programme to improve your swallow function and reduce the risk of food/fluids entering the lungs (this is known as 'aspiration').

What to bring

  • Test Results
  • List of current medications
  • Referral

When to visit us

  • Adults aged 18 years and above who reside within the Northern Beaches Local Government Area. Please visit the Child Youth and Family website for paediatric enquiries.
  • Have a current Medicare card.
  • Developmental or cognitive abilities fall within the range of mild delay, borderline, average and above average.
  • Individuals who have received approval for NDIS funding should liaise with their NDIS Coordinator to discuss access to private Speech Pathology services.

How to visit us

Free parking is available at Mona Vale Hospital for all visitors and staff within the designated car parks on the hospital grounds. There is 2 hour street parking also available surrounding the hospital grounds.

  • For access to the Beachside Rehabilitation Unit, Hydrotherapy Pool, Loading dock and Support Services please enter the Hospital car park via Gate 1.
  • For access to the Urgent Care Centre please access the Hospital car park via Gate 2.
  • For access to the Mona Vale Community Health Building please access the Hospital car park via Gate 3.

Referral information

Referrals from the below providers will be accepted for this service.

  • Self referral
  • GP referral
  • Nursing
  • Allied Health referral
  • Medical referral

Other information

Can transport be organised for people to attend?

We are unable to offer any community transport, however we can help direct our outpatients to community transport services.


Is there a cost to patients to attend the clinic?

Our service is free for patients with a valid Medicare Card.


In addition to the services described above, the Mona Vale Hospital Speech Pathology Department provides a number of speciality services:

Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study (VFSS)

This diagnostic procedure is a moving x-ray of the swallowing mechanism. It helps to identify the cause of a client's swallowing difficulties informs their management plan. This may include giving advice about the most appropriate food and liquid consistencies, or lead to a swallowing treatment programme. Videofluoroscopies are performed externally at a local facility.


Lee Silverman Voice Therapy

The Lee Silverman Voice Treatment program (LSVT®) is an intensive voice and speech program for people with Parkinson's disease, although it can be used for other client groups depending on their symptoms. The LSVT® programme incorporates high respiratory and phonatory effort to improve voice and speech function. Clients who participate in LSVT® are first required to attend an Ear, Nose and Throat examination to make sure there are no contraindications to participating in therapy.

All Speech Pathology staff at Mona Vale Hospital are certified in providing the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment Program.


Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES)

This is an assessment tool we can use to evaluate swallowing function and guide the treatment of swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) using a nasendoscope. This procedure is currently completed off-site at an acute hospital facility.


The Beachside Chatters Communication Group

This is a monthly communication group for people living with aphasia, with an emphasis on both communication skills and social participation.


Inpatient Rehabilitation

Our team of Speech Pathologists provide comprehensive assessment and management to inpatients located on the two rehabilitation wards located at Mona Vale Hospital (Beachside Rehabilitation Ward / Assessment & Rehabilitation Ward). We offer a range of treatment options, depending upon the presenting problem. These include individual therapy, group therapy, computer-based therapy, carer support and advice. Our goals are individually tailored to each patient's needs and evolve over the course of their inpatient stay. The Speech Pathologist works closely with other members of the multi-disciplinary team. If an inpatient requires follow-up speech pathology after their discharge from hospital, they can be referred on to the outpatient speech pathology service.


Mona Vale Hospital Speech Pathology does not provide a service for the following:

Community Service

The Mona Vale Hospital Speech Pathology service does not provide a community service. Any patients who require a home visit for management of swallowing or communication problems will need to access a private Speech Pathologist.



Any individual requiring urgent care related to their long-term tracheostomy should present to their local hospital emergency department for management.



Any individual requiring urgent care related to their stoma / fistula should present to their local hospital emergency department for management.

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