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Review process

Internal review

If you are unhappy with the NSLHD’s decision you have the following options:

Option 1: Request an internal review by the NSLHD within 20 working days after the notice of the decision has been given to you

The internal review must be carried out by an officer no less senior that the person who made the original decision. A fee of $40 is payable by the applicant to NSLHD for an internal review.

Chevron PDF icon Internal Review Application Form


OPTION 2A: Request an external review by the Information Commissioner within 40 working days after the notice of the decision has been given to you.


OPTION 2B: Request an external review by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) within 40 working days after the notice of the decision has been given to you.


Your review rights under the GIPA Act

Office of the Information Commissioner (OIC)

GPO Box 7011

Sydney NSW 2001

Ph: 1800 463 626

Fax: 02 8114 3756

Email: [email protected]

Website: External Link