Your referral must include:
- Date and duration of referral (referrals accepted for either a 12-month period or indefinite)
- Referrer's name, address, provider number and signature
- Patient's details - name, date of birth, address, phone numbers, Medicare number/Department of Veteran Affairs number
- Provisional diagnosis and reason for referral
- Finding/treatment to date
- Significant medical history
- List of medications
- Relevant social information
- Need for interpreter and preferred language
- If applicable, the most recent letter from any other physician, e.g. Cardiologist
Referrals with insufficient information will be returned to the GP until further information is provided to the clinic.
The following tests must be done before the appointment:
- Blood chemistry and haematology
- Urinary Albumin/creatinine ratio and urine microscopy for red cell morphology and casts
- Renal tract ultrasound