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Renal Service NSLHD

Royal North Shore Hospital
3E Acute Services Building
Reserve Road
St Leonards

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital
Level 1, Building 60
Palmerston Road


Map view

Renal Service NSLHD


Contact us

Royal North Shore Hospital:

General enquiries: (02) 9463 1755

Fax number: (02) 9463 1055

Email: [email protected]

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital:

General enquiries: (02) 9485 6777

Referrals phone: (02) 9485 6777

Fax number: (02) 9485 6069

Email: [email protected]

Opening hours

Kidney clinic RNSH (various clinics):

Monday to Friday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm

Kidney clinic Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital:

Friday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Frequently Asked Questions you may have


Click here for all our FAQs, when visiting our service

 What we do

The mission of the Renal Department is to provide quality care and support to patients with different types of acute and chronic kidney disease. We provide speciality treatments for patients with kidney disease via the following services:


  • Outpatients clinics for General Kidney Disease (Royal North Shore Hospital, Hornsby Hospital)
  • End state Kidney Disease Treatment Options Education
  • Haemodialysis (In centre)
  • Peritoneal dialysis
  • Home Haemodialysis
  • Big Red Kidney Bus
  • Vascular Access clinic
  • Renal Transplant 
  • Renal Supportive Care (Royal North Shore Hospital, Hornsby Hospital)
  • Stones clininc
  • Hypertension clinic
  • Hypertension and Kidney Disease in Pregnancy


Our Team




Dr. Amanda Mather, Head of Department of Renal Medicine
Dr. Amanda Siriwardana, Specialist Renal Physician
Dr. Bruce Cooper, Specialist Renal Transplant Physician
Prof. Carol Pollock, Professor of Medicine, Specialist Renal Physician
Dr. Emma O'Lone, Specialist Renal Physician
Dr. Paul Collett, Specialist Renal Physician
Dr. Sara Rendo, Specialist Renal Physician
Dr. Sarah Roxburgh, Specialist Renal Physician
Dr. Stefanie Stangenburg, Specialist Renal Physician
Dr. Stella McGinn, Specialist Renal Transplant Physician
Dr. Susan Wan, Specialist Renal Transplant Physician
Dr. Yan Li, Specialist Renal Transplant Physician
Dr. Yvonne Shen, Specialist Renal Transplant Physician




Ellie Borrell, Nurse Manager, Department of Renal Medicine
Belinda Henderson, Treatment Options CNC
Suh Wong, Supportive Care CNC
Lucy Spencer, Nurse Practitioner HD
Amy Strange, NUM Acute Dialysis
Joseph Morada, NUM SDC, PD
Louise Patel, HD CNC
Aphrodite Stathis, Dialysis Access Nurse
Robyn Waring, Renal Transplant CNC
Jessica Harvey, Donor Work up Nurse
Claire Fan, Hypertension Nurse
Tracy Morton, Renal Ward Nurse
Helen Clayton, Research Nurse
Dawn Ngai, Research Nurse
Anna Tam, Research Nurse


Allied Health


Teresa Tyacke, Supportive Care Social Worker
Emily Mahony, Renal Social Worker
Murielle Ryan, Supportive Care Dietician

 What to bring

Information for Patients:

You may need to bring the following information for your appointment:

  • Referral from your GP
  • Images/scans
  • Blood results
  • Test results
  • Urine results
  • List of current medications

 When to visit us

Your GP or other health specialist is always your first step in seeking treatment for any condition, they will make a clinical decision on whether it is in your best care to refer you to a specialist. Once we receive the referral from your Health practitioner this will be triaged and you will be notified of the outcome and next steps. Please allow at least 4 weeks for this process.

 How to visit us

RNSH St. Leonards:

Exits off Pacific Highway and the M1 will take you to the hospital on Reserve Road in St Leonards

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital:

Turn onto Palmerston Road from Edgeworth David Avenue. The Emergency entrance is just after the Burdett Street Intersection on the right. The Multi-storey carpark is further along after the Northcott Road junction.


RNSH St. Leonards:

Bus Route 114 stops directly at the hospital                                                                                        

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital: 

Transdev bus 575 travels to Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital from Hornsby and Turramurra railway stations. This picks up and sets down at the front of the Hospital on Palmerston Road. There are no buses to the Hospital from Waitara Station.

RNSH St. Leonards:

The hospital is close to St Leonards train station                                                                  

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital: 

The closest railway stations are Hornsby and Waitara. Hornsby is accessible via both the main Northern Line and the North Shore Line. Waitara is on the North Shore Line. Transdev bus service #575 travels to Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital from these stations.

RNSH St. Leonards:

The hospital is a 5 minute walk from St Leonards Station                                                             

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital: 

From Hornsby Station – The distance to the Hospital is approximately 1.8km. If you wish to walk please note there are a number of hills. Exit the station on the George Street side via the pedestrian overpass.
From Waitara Station – The distance to the Hospital is approximately 1.5km. Exit the station on the Alexandria Avenue side. This walk is reasonably flat.

Fee based & concessional parking available. Click here for more details.

RNSH: The kidney clinic is on level 3 (the same level as the main entrance).  Walk to the green lifts at the back of the hospital, turn left and walk down the corridor.  The clinic is on the left hand side.

 Referral information

Information for GPs and Doctors:

A referral from GP is required to make an appointment for a clinic. Referral must include:

  • Date and duration of referral (referrals accepted for either a 12-month period or indefinite)
  • Referrer's name, address, provider number and signature
  • Patient's details - name, date of birth, address, phone numbers, Medicare number/Department of Veteran Affairs number
  • Provisional diagnosis and reason for referral
  • Finding/treatment to date
  • Significant medical history
  • List of medications
  • Relevant social information
  • Need for interpreter and preferred language
  • If applicable, the most recent letter from any other physician, e.g. Cardiologist


Some of the following tests may be required before an appointment is made:

  • Blood chemistry and haematology
  • Urinary Albumin/creatinine ratio and urine microscopy for red cell morphology and casts
  • Renal tract ultrasound


Referrals with insufficient information will be returned to the GP until further information is provided to the clinic.


Important information about referral criteria:

Presenting Complaint

When to Refer

eGFR <30ml/min/1.73m2 (stage 4 or 5 CKD of any cause)

Patient comorbidities should be taken into account when referrals are made. Elderly patients when GFR <30 may not need a Nephrology review while younger patients may need referral earlier.

Persistent significant a​​​lbuminuria

Urine ACR>30mg/mmol demonstrated twice within 3 months


Usually refer to urology (see local guidance for referral pathways). If associated with renal impairment, proteinuria, hypertension or family history of renal disease, consider simultaneous referral to the Kidney Clinic.

Sustained decrease in eGFR

A sustained decrease in eGFR of 25% or more OR a sustained decrease in eGFR of 15ml/min/1.73m2 within 12 months

Note: Anyone with a rapidly declining eGFR and/or signs of acute glomerulonephritis is considered urgent and contact should be made with the on-call Renal physician immediately

Hypertensive/CKD disorders of pregnancy

Pre-conception counselling and management Management during pregnancy

Postpartum review

CKD with hypertension or resistant hypertension

Difficult to control despite at least 3 antihypertensive agents or suspected secondary cause of hypertension

Renal stones

2 or more renal stones

Renal transplant patient

All renal transplant patients should be regularly seen by a Nephrologist

Renal transplant donor

All past transplant donors and potential donors should be seen by a Nephrologist

Patient with ESKD opting for a non dialytic supportive care pathway

Patients for renal supportive careshould be referred to a Nephrologist initially

Dialysis patient

All dialysis patients should be regularly seen by a Nephrologist

For information and advice about managing patients with chronic kidney disease, please go to the following resource:

 Other information

Useful links for patients:

Kidney Health Australia

Useful links for clinical staff:

Kidney Health Australia - CKD Management Handbook

 Related Links