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For Hospitals


There are now over 100 P.A.R.T.Y. sites worldwide with nine currently operating in Australia.

If you are interested in running a P.A.R.T.Y. Program at your hospital, you must purchase a site licence from Canada.

The P.A.R.T.Y Program is a not-for-profit program. Sites are encouraged to assist each other to set up and operate effective programs. Here at P.A.R.T.Y. Royal North Shore, we are committed to assisting other sites to establish programs. Please contact us directly if you are considering P.A.R.T.Y for your hospital and we would be happy to discuss the process and our experience of running the program with you.

For further information or assistance please contact the ​program manager on [email protected].

If you are in another state and would like to contact another program coordinator please email the relevant contact listed below.