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Social media participation


Open discussion and comments on our social media platforms are both welcome and encouraged. We look forward to hearing from you in all circumstances, including when you want to share an idea, provide feedback or where we can improve.

We work hard to ensure our social media platforms are a supportive environment for our patients, families, staff and the community and we expect your comments and posts will always be respectful of others.

Comments and posts we consider offensive, abusive, bullying or which unreasonably upset our community will be deleted immediately. Participants who repeatedly post inappropriate material will be blocked from the site.

Visitors who perpetuate views contradicted by evidence-based research and global health expertise, and which pose a threat to public and individual health, will be blocked. This includes participants who harass other visitors to the page with incorrect medical information.

The media and communications unit put significant effort into monitoring and responding to posts and questions on our social media platforms. We are not qualified to offer any medical advice and may not always be able to respond to all posts or answer online requests for information as quickly as we would like, particularly outside business hours.

Please note other participants may use your posted information beyond our control. Always be careful when posting comments or materials to social media sites.

Thank you for supporting and contributing to the Northern Sydney Local Health District discussions on social media.


House rules/terms of use

To make sure our social media platforms are a safe place for all users, and for legal reasons, there are terms of use and some house rules users are asked to follow.

We support diversity, diverse views and discussion but comments that may cause harm or are discriminatory will be removed.

We expect that users will not post content that falls into the following categories and reserve the right to remove postings that are:

  • off-topic and not appropriate for discussion in this forum
  • in violation of another's privacy
  • vexatious, fraudulent, deceptive or misleading
  • abusive, defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or otherwise offensive
  • of a political nature or promote particular services, products, or political organisations
  • illegal or advocate illegal activity
  • in violation of another's intellectual property or infringe upon copyrights or trademarks

The views, opinions, and information expressed in user-generated comments remain with the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Northern Sydney Local Health District or its staff.

While user generated comments are not edited, to ensure a positive experience NSLHD may report or remove at its discretion any content or comments containing spam, profanity, or otherwise objectionable or prohibited material.

We are really grateful to the many groups, organisations and individuals who raise money for our hospitals and medical research and we are happy to promote, support and acknowledge approved fundraisers. Unfortunately we are unable to promote fundraising projects that fall outside NSLHD's fundraising guidelines.


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