To ensure that our resources are directed towards those in most need we have a selection criteria to determine what problems can be seen in our clinic. The below information is mainly for GPs and other referring clinicians.
Please provide the following information in referral:
• Patients name, date of birth, address, contact numbers, e-mail address
• Reason for referral (including a suspected neuromuscular condition if known)
• CK (creatinine kinase) level
• Relevant past medical history
• Current medication
If writing a referral letter, please address to Dr Martin Krause and Associates.
**Please consider referral to the emergency department instead if:
• Rapid progression of weakness - particularly if involves swallowing +/- breathing difficulty; or
• CK > 15000 U/L
(As wait time for the clinic can be long.)
Inclusion criteria:
• Hereditary muscle diseases – muscular dystrophies, metabolic myopathies (including recurrent rhabdomyolysis), channelopathies (periodic paralysis, myotonias), congenital myopathies
• Suspected acquired muscle diseases – inclusion body myositis, autoimmune myositis, myasthenia gravis
• Hereditary neuropathies, spinal muscular atrophies
• Acquired nerve disorders/motor neuropathies – chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), motor neurone disease
Exclusion criteria:
• Non-specific pain
• Non-specific subjective sensory symptoms
• Non-specific fatigue/ lethargy