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Our staff


  • A/Prof Charles Brooker - Specialist Pain Medicine Physician
  • Dr Supriya Chowdhury - Specialist Pain Medicine Physician​
  • Professor Paul Glare - Professor of Pain Medicine, Northern Clinical School and Specialist Pain Medicine Physician
  • Dr Rebecca Martin - Specialist Pain Medicine Physician and Head of Department
  • A/Prof Allan Molloy - Specialist Pain Medicine Physician
  • Professor Chris Peck - Orofacial pain specialist
  • Dr Sally Preston - Specialist Pain Medicine Physician and Rheumatologist
  • Dr Joseph Ryan - Orofacial Pain Specialist 
  • Dr Andrew Singer - Specialist Pain Medicine Physician and Psychiatrist
  • Dr Jane Standen - Specialist Pain Medicine Physician
  • Dr Nathan Taylor - Specialist Pain Medicine Physician
  • Dr Veronica Vass – Psychiatrist
  • Dr Andrew Weiss - Specialist Pain Medicine Physician
  • A/Prof Paul Wrigley - Specialist Pain Medicine Physician and Supervisor of training for Faculty of Pain Medicine 


  • Hayedeh Jabbari - Nursing Unit Manager
  • Genevieve Anderson - Clinical Nurse Consultant
  • Amy Granger - Clinical Nurse Consultant
  • John Turner - Pain Clinical Nurse Consultant​
  • Catriona McLennan – ADAPT Nurse


Clinical Psychology

  • Professor Michael Nicholas PhD - Director Pain Education & Pain Management Programs
  • Dr Sarah Overton PhD
  • Dr Regina Schultz PhD 
  • Mayumi Oguchi
  • Dr Brad Wood PhD



  • Maria de Sousa - Head physiotherapist
  • ​Cynthia Ashley
  • Matthew Fa
  • Jane Bradshaw
  • Ashleigh Simpson​

Clinical Research

  • Dr Ali Asghari
  • Dr Saurab Sharma
  • Kim Somerville – Clinical Trials