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Making an appointment
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Making an appointm​ent​

On this page:​​

Chevron How to make an appointment

Chevron How to request a referral

Chevron What to e​xpect

​How to make an appointment

The Clinical Genetics service is a specialist service and so requires a written referral from your doctor (GP or specialist).  For children a paediatrician referral is required (GP referrals are not accepted).

Patients have no out-of-pocket expenses, providing they have a Medicare card.​


How to request a referral

Discuss the need for an appointment with your doctor (GP or specialist).

  • A referral is required to attend our clinic. Referrals should be made out to A/Prof Yemima Berman and Associates. More information on clinical genetics referral criteria is available under Referral Criteria
  • Referrals can be faxed to 02 9463 1057 or emailed to [email protected]

If your doctor wishes to discuss whether a referral to our genetics clinic is appropriate, they can call 02 9463 1727 and talk to a genetic counsellor.​

What to expect

Prior to your appointment​

One of our genetic counsellors may​ call you to obtain information about your personal and family medical history.  They will also answer any questions you have about your appointment.

Genetic counsellors are health professionals with specialist training in genetics. They discuss genetic information with individuals and families who have a known or suspected genetic condition, organise genetic testing and interpret genetic test results. Genetic counsellors strive to empower families with genetic information and support them to make decisions that align with their values.

We sometimes ask about your close (parents, children, brothers and sisters) and  other relatives (grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins).  We might ask you to pass on a consent form to certain relatives to request their permission for us to access their relevant medical records. We will not contact your relatives directly without permission and the information provided to us is confidential.​

At your ap​pointment​

You will be seen by a clinical geneticist and/or a genetic counsellor, or genetics fellow. The appointment time is around one hour in duration. You are welcome to bring a family member or friend along for support.

The majority of time is spent providing you with information and discussing your concerns.  Depending on the reason for your referral, a doctor may want to perform a physical examination.  It is not always possible to obtain a diagnosis.

Testing may or may no​t be ordered on the day. Most genetic testing is a simple blood or saliva test.  If testing is performed, we will arrange a second appointment to discuss your results.

​After your appointment

Both you and your doctors will receive a written report about what was discussed during the appointment, including any recommendations made.​​​​​​

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