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REACH phone numbers

REACH is a system that helps patients, their family and carer/s escalate their concerns with staff about worrying changes in a patient's condition. It stands for Recognise, Engage, Act, Call, Help is on its way. PDF icon Click here External Link to know more about REACH.

If you are worried about a patient in hospital, first talk to your nurse or doctor. If you are still worried, ask to speak to the nurse in charge and request a 'clinical review'. If you are still worried, call your hospital's REACH number listed below.


Chevron Ryde Hospital - 0402 990 158

Chevron Hornsby Hospital - 0404 468 742

Chevron Royal North Shore Hospital - 0417 558 601

Chevron Mona Vale Hospital - 0414 193 123

Chevron Mental Health Drug and Alcohol (MHDA)

REACH contact numbers are localised to each facility. Please ask the Nurse in Charge, Nursing unit Manager or Consumer Peer Worker for the REACH number relevant for your facility. You will also be provided with a REACH flyer on admission which details this number for ​easy reference.

If you are unsure about the REACH system and how to activate it if you need to please ask your allocated nurse, nurse in charge or a consumer peer worker.

Carers, families and loved ones please do not hesitate to ask for more information about REACH.