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Research Ethics and Governance
​​​​The Last HREC for 2023 will be on 13 November (submissions close 30 October 2023). The next meeting will be 22 January 2024 (submissions close 8 January 2024).
The NSLHD Research Office will be closed from 22 December to 2 January. 

At the NSLHD Research Office, our aim is to protect the rights, safety, and well-being of human participants in research studies.
To conduct research at a Public Health Organisation, one needs to complete a two-step process that involves obtaining authorisation from both the ethics and governance departments. Specifically, an approval letter is​ required from the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) and NSLHD research governance before commencing any research at an NSLHD site.
To apply for these approvals, all research applications must be submitted through REGIS (an online portal to help manage ethics and site governance approvals of human research project), which is received and reviewed by the NSLHD Research Office. Additionally, the Research Office is also responsible for receiving and managing applications for the Royal North Shore Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC).


The NSLHD Research Office has fully implemented the Research, Ethics and Governance Information System (REGISExternal Link​), which has replaced online forms and is a web-based platform available around the clock. REGIS is utilized to oversee both single and multi-site projects. Users can refer to a variety of Quick Reference Guides (QRGs) and instructional videos to help navigate the system hereExternal Link. Additionally, training is offered, and information can be found hereExternal Link.

***Please note from 1 September 2023 it is compulsory for all Clinical Trials to be registered in the Clinical Trials Management System (CTMS), please upload a screenshot of your CTMS registration as evidence with your SSA***