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Committee meeting dates
​The Research Office coordinates the following meetings:
  • NSLHD Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC)
  • LNR Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC)
  • Executive Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC)
  • RNSH Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
Please note the submission deadlines for each meeting is 10am on the date listed. Late applications will not be processed by the office, and will be held over for the next submission deadline.

NSLHD Human Research Ethics Com​mittee FULL HREC Meeting Dates 2024

​These dates are relevant for new research projects and responses requiring review by the FULL HREC. Please refer to the submission checklist on the Research Office website to ensure that your submission has been properly prepared. Incomplete or invalid applications may be rejected or their review delayed.

Please discuss submission of a new application with the Research Office prior to submitting.Please phone the Research Office on 9926 4590 to arrange an appointment.

​Please note that projects considered to be low/negligible risk do not require review by the full HREC. The HREC Executive will meet fortnightly to review amendments and Low/Negligible Risk (LNR) Projects.​ Please refer to the Research Office website, or contact the Research Office, for further information regarding submission of low/negligible risk projects. 

Website: | Email: [email protected]

​Please find the current NSLHD HREC Composition Statement External Linkh​e​re.​

             Submission deadline


HREC Meeting date


Monday 08 January 2024Monday 22 January 2024
Monday 29 January 2024Monday 12 February 2024
Monday 26 February 2024Monday 11 March 2024
Monday 25 March 2024Monday 08 April 2024
Monday 29 April 2024Monday 13 May 2024
Monday 27 May 2024Monday 17 June 2024
Monday 24 June 2024Monday 08 July 2024
Monday 29 July 2024Monday 12 August 2024
Monday 26 August 2024Monday 09 September 2024
Monday 30 September 2024Monday 14 October 2024
Monday 28 October 2024Monday 11 November 2024​