CPI/PI change notification
Researchers are required to notify the approving HREC of changes to the Co-ordinating Principal Investigator (CPI) and/or the Principal Investigator (PI).
Please submit a change in CPI/PI amendment in REGIS. Guidance on how to complete this process can be found
here .
Investigators must also submit a current CV (signed and dated) every two years.
Changes to Coordinating Principal Investigator (CPI) or Principal Investigator (PI)
Ethics applications managed in Regis:
Once the CPI/PI amendment has been reviewed and approved by the HREC, an email notification will be sent to the CPI and the system will automatically update the change in CPI/PI across all related applications.
You are not required to submit an additional change in CPI/PI notification for governance review in REGIS.
Ethics Applications managed outside Regis:
A Change in CPI/PI notification must be submitted for governance review in REGIS. Please submit a Site Amendment (Amendment Type – Changes to CPI or PI) in REGIS, click
here for a step by step guide on how to submit a site amendment in REGIS.
Changes to Associate Investigators and Administration Contacts:
For changes in personnel involving NSLHD employees:
Please submit a site amendment in REGIS within the related site application by selecting amendment type as
'Change Site Investigators' within the form, for notification of changes to site investigators/associate investigators and/or administration contact, click
here for a step by step guide on how to submit a site amendment in REGIS.
For changes in personnel involving external researchers (employed by an organization external to NSLHD):
Please submit a site amendment in REGIS within the related site application by selecting amendment type as 'General Amendment' within the form and uploading the list of documentation listed
here. An authorization of this submission must be obtained from the Research Office prior to the external researcher coming on site. click
here for a step by step guide on how to submit a site amendment in REGIS.