NSLHD provides a biostatistical support and consultation service.
Biostatisticians are available Tuesdays and Wednesdays to assist NSLHD researchers via remote appointments.
All requests must be submitted using the link https://redcap.link/nslhdstats
Researchers are encouraged to provide the study background, upload a copy of the project protocol (if ready) and give a summary of the scope of the biostatistics support required. Providing this information in advance will help our biostatisticians understand the study background, assess the scope of the work, plan the work items and execute and deliver them appropriately.
We encourage investigators to collaborate with biostatisticians in the early stages of your research project.
Biostatistics support areas:
NSLHD offers biostatistics support and consulting services at all phases of your research project. The support areas include:
Study Design and Proposal Writing
- Advice on research design considerations when planning a study
- Specifying and refining the research hypotheses into statistically testable form
- Operational definition of primary and secondary outcomes aiding appropriate effect zie extraction, power analysis and statistical analysis
- Performing sample size and power calculations
- Writing sample size and statistical analysis plans
- Responding to reviewer comments on statistical considerations of the project
- Consultation on appropriate data capture, such as definition of data elements, format and structure of variables, and treatment of missing data.
Statistical Analysis and Interpretation
- Reviewing data sets for quality and completeness
- Statistical software support, particularly for R and SPSS
- Performing statistical analysis, extracting raw results, tables, and plots
- Developing write-up of results including tables and data visualization and interpretation of results in the context of the study.
Publishing and Communication
- Editing and preparing abstracts and manuscripts for publication (on statistical aspects of the study)
- Producing journal-quality tables and data visualization
- Advice on responding to reviewer's comments on statistical analysis and appropriate modification and revision of analysis plan, if required.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens after I submit my request for assistance? How long will it take to receive a response?
Your request will be reviewed and a first response will be made within four business days of receipt. A biostatistician will review the study background and contact you to seek more information (if required) and schedule a meeting to discuss the study and the scope of the required support.
What will happen at the initial meeting?
The first meeting typically lasts no more than forty-five minutes to one hour. During the meeting, the background and research aims are discussed and the scope of the statistics support requested is outlined. Specific work items to be produced by the biostatistician are established (e.g., a power calculation or statistical analysis plan), including a timeline for delivery.
For requests involving small tasks, the biostatistician may be able to complete all your queries in the initial meeting itself.
How will the project proceed?
After the initial meeting, the biostatistician will work to execute the planned objectives. Some projects may include a report detailing the results. For small projects, an analysis plan or analysis report may be sent to the investigator after the meeting; larger projects may involve multiple meetings or other communication as the investigator and biostatistician work together.
The support request status will be kept “Open" till all the tasks are completed, delivered, and communicated to the requestor.
My deadline is this Friday, what should I do?
Our biostatisticians are often engaged in multiple projects in parallel and generally are unable to accommodate last-minute requests.
Is this service free?
The initial meeting and a limited number of subsequent sessions will not incur a fee. However in order to reduce the number of appointments being made but not attended, your booking will not be confirmed until a Method of Payment (MoP) form has been completed and uploaded via the booking link. If you attend your scheduled appointment, the MoP form will not be processed.
If you fail to attend your session without providing reasonable notice* the MoP form will be processed and you will be sent an invoice for the sum of $100.00.
For larger projects that are likely to require a significant commitment of time from the biostatistician, a fee will be charged. The biostatistician will notify you at an early stage if a fee may be incurred.
*Reasonable notice is considered to be 24 hours.
NSLHD Libraries Statistics and Data Analysis subject guide
The Statistics and Data Analysis Subject Guide provides an overview of statistical software and resources available to NSLHD staff conducting research. It covers popular tools like SPSS, NVivo, REDCap, R, SAS, and Power BI, along with information on biostatistical support and additional learning resources.
NSLHD Libraries have 1 concurrent Version 29 Standard package (includes Base package), which can be used on most library PCs in the NSLHD. For further information on library locations use our Contact us page.
SPSS is also available for purchase , for an annual license fee.