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Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property (IP) is rights in relation to inventions, including patents, trade marks, registered designs, copyright, confidential information and know-how.

NSW Health IP policy applies to intellectual property which arises, or may arise, from health research carried out in public health organisations.

In accordance with this policy, an Intellectual Property Committee exists at NSLHD, to receive and consider IP notifications. To make an IP notification, please complete the IP Declaration Form. The NSLHD IP Committee will consider all IP matters based on the following principles, endorsed by the NSLHD Research Advisory Committee:

  1. Consideration of value
  2. Benefits for NSLHD / NSW Health / NSW health consumers
  3. Risk minimisation
  4. Originating partner organisations

The NSW Health Office for Health and Medical Research (OHMR) has advised it will provide a centralised service to review the protection and commercialisation of IP. NSLHD will facilitate the identification of IP, and review, evaluate and triage relevant applications to OHMR, to be considered for management via this centralised process. NSLHD may elect to protect and commercialise some IP within the District.

For more information or questions, please contact:

Manager, Research Strategy and Partnerships, NSLHD

[email protected]