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General enquiries

If you require medical attention or need urgent medical advice, please attend your nearest emergency department or call triple zero (000)​.


Address: Ryde Hospital, Denistone Road, Eastwood NSW 2122
Main reception/switchboard: (02) 9858 7888


Important patient contacts

  • Emergency department: (02) 9858 7233
  • Diabetes clinic: (02) 9858 7580
  • Dietetics: (02) 9858 7580
  • Physiotherapy: (02) 9858 7558
  • Podiatry: (02) 9858 7547
  • Health information service (medical records): (02) 9858 7595
  • Corporate services: (02) 9858 7888


Feedback, compliments and complaints

To make a complaint, provide feedback or suggestions, please go to consumer feedback.