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Window cord and curtain safety

The chain or cords attached to blinds, curtains and electrical appliances can be hazardous. It is important to 'fix' them so they are out of reach for babies and young children. This is especially important when considering where to place your child's cot or bed.

Every year children in Australian homes are harmed as a result of non-compliant Australian National Mandatory Standard for corded blinds and curtains.

Children see chains or cords as a play toy, but they do not understand that wrapping chains or cords around their neck can tighten and strangle them if they roll, fall, sit or climb down.

Electrical appliances with cords need to be out of reach of the child as children's curiosity can often result in burns to the child.


Go through every room in your home and check for any blinds or curtains with long cords that are either loose or looped. This includes cords that are within children's reach at floor level, cot height or near any furniture they can climb.

Mandatory standard – installation of window coverings was made mandatory on 28 March 2014. This regulation commenced on 1 January 2015.
