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​​​Crunch&Sip® is a well-established primary school nutrition initiative, developed to increase children’s vegetable, fruit and water consumption. Many teachers who have implemented the initiative into the classroom report improved focus and behaviour.

Only 1 in 16 children eat the recommended daily serve of vegetables. Crunch&Sip®​ helps children to develop regular healthy eating habits by providing a set time in class to eat vegetables and fruit and drink water. 

Children rarely drink enough water during break times at school and often forget to drink unless reminded. It is recommend that children drink 5-6 cups (1.2-1.6 litres) of water per day for improved cognitive performance and mood.

Your school may or may not already participate in Crunch&Sip® or a fruit break. To kick start Crunch&Sip®​​​ at your school or learn some ideas to freshen up the program, see the information and resources below. 


Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
  • {Insert Image Description} 
    Fruit & Vegetable Costumes

    Hire (for free) our fruit and vegetable costumes, for teachers and staff to wear. Add some fun to your next school event that promotes healthy eating.

    Complete the following form to register your interest:

​​​​​​​Tips for implementing Crunch&Sip at your school:

  • ​To prevent water spillage on desks but still allow access to water bottles, allocate space at the side of the classroom for water bottles or ask students to place their water bottles on the floor next to their desk.
  • Be a role model by joining in as children are more likely to try fruit and vegetables if they see adults eating them.
  • Include gardening or cooking lessons to encourage a positive attitude towards fruit and vegetables​.

Contact us

With so many Crunch&Sip resources and information out there, we want to assist your school find the resources that are most suitable and relevant to you. 

Please contact us on [email protected] if you would like any further support or resources. ​