Use our Health Promoting Schools calendar to support your students’ wellbeing and get involved in health events:
2024 Health Promoting Schools Calendar – Year
2024 Health Promoting School Calendar – Term
Healthy Eating
Crunch&Sip® is a state-wide program designed for schools to set a time to eat fruit or vegetables and drink water in the classroom. Students 're-fuel' with fruit or vegetables, assisting physical and mental performance and concentration in the classroom.
For local information, resources and support visit our Crunch&Sip section.
More information on Crunch&Sip is also available at Crunch&Sip
Physical Activity
The following resources support teachers to develop students' Fundamental Movement Skills and get active.
The following resources have been designed to help teachers embed brain breaks into each learning day to support the attention span of their students. It is also important for staff to look after their own wellbeing.
Screen Time
More Green Less Screen is a Stage 2-3 activity that runs over 3 weeks to help students and their families gain more awareness and balance around the amount of time spent on physical activity and in front of screens.
Register your school's interest in running the program by emailing us at
[email protected]
Kindy Orientation
Use the 'A Healthy Start to School' PowerPoint template at your primary school's Kindergarten Orientation. The presentation has been designed to help parents support their children to get a healthy start to school. It covers topics such as packing a healthy lunch, understanding Crunch & Sip and more.
A Healthy Start to School Powerpoint Template
The 'Is Your Child Starting School - Parent Resources Flyer' lists resources to help kids make the transition to school easier and supports healthy habits for life.
Is Your Child Starting School?
School Garden
A significant amount of learning can take place in the school kitchen garden. Check out our factsheet for tips and resources on linking your school garden to STEM, PDHPE, Wellbeing, Sustainability, Aboriginal Education, Student Voice/Leadership, and Technology and Data.