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Professional Learning
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Email: [email protected] | Phone: 8424 9488

Our team works to help Live Life Well @ School teachers increase their understanding and skills in implementing healthy eating and active living strategies at their school. A range of professional learning and workshops is available in a variety of formats and on a range of topics.


Woman in front of her laptop 

​Online Professional Learning

A series of Live Life Well @ School professional learning online courses is available to all NSW primary schools. These are provided by Department of Education, Association of Independent Schools (AISNSW) and Catholic School NSW (CSNSW) for their schools.
For information about the courses visit: Live Life Well @ School at NSW Health External Link
Two men and two women looking at a laptop 

​Upcomi​​​​ng Workshops

Our team runs regular workshops on healthy eating and active living to support school staff. Workshops are designed based on feedback and requests we receive from local schools.

Express your interest in ​attending the following workshops & webinars:

  • Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) workshop: Designed to increase your confidence in teaching FMS and provide you with useful resources that you can use with your students. 
  • Allied Health Webinar Series: a series of webinars presented by Allied Health Professionals covering a range of topics from supporting student regulation, meeting diverse learning needs and movement transition strategies.

alternate text 48 Register your interestalternate text 49

Stocky note with word WORKSHOP on it 

​Previous Workshops

If you missed one of our workshops or need a refresh, see our list of the most recent previous workshops for session resources and/or recordings.

Move & Improve Workshop:
Games Using Minimal Equipment

  • November 2023
  • Topics: How you can instruct games using minimal equipment, engaging​​​ activi​​ties to incorporate into PE Lessons and modifications to engage all students.
  • Contact our team for related resources:
    [email protected]

Move & Improve: Literacy and Numercy in Action

  • M​​arch 2023​
  • Topics: How you can embed literacy and numercy in physical activity, Engaging literacy and numeracy activities to incorporate into PE lessons, Modifications to engage all students.
  • Contact our team for related resources: [email protected]

​​Vaping in Children & Young People
  • ​Tuesday 24 May 2022
  • Topics: This free session for parents parents, carers and teachers will covered: Understanding vaping and its health impacts, confidence talking to your child or students about vaping and strategies and resources to educate children
  • ​Access the Vaping in Children & Young People Workshop recordingExternal Link

Move & Improve Workshop:
Teaching FMS with Confidence​

  • ​June 2022
  • Hosted by NSLHD and presented by Gareth Long from The Australian College of Physical Education, learn how to teach fundamental movement skills with confidence at your school. 
  • Access the Teaching FMS with Confidence Workshop recording ​alternate text 47

Prio​ritising Students' Wellbeing

  • February 2022
  • Topics: Mental health & wellbeing, lifestyle factors, positive wellbeing strategies & everyday learning
  • A NSLHD Live Life Well @ School Webinar held in partnership with Be You.
  • Access the Prioritising Students' Wellbeing record​ing ​​External Link

Move & Improve Workshop: Inclusive Sport in Schools​

  • November 2021
  • ​Hosted by NSLHD and presented by Sean Douglas from Special Olympics Australia learn more about inclusive sport in schools and how to adapt games to suit all.
  • Access the Inclusive Sport in Schools Workshop recording​alternate text 48 ​

Active Play at School

  • 1 September 2021
  • Learn how to create supportive environments at school to increase physical activity and boost student engagement.
  • Access the Active Play at School Workshop recording External Linkand resourcesExternal Link

Wellbeing and Sustainability Network – linking the curriculum to the garden

  • August 2021
  • Grow and prepare native plants and Aboriginal spirituality in the school garden
  • Recording and resources are available upon request, by emailing us at [email protected]


​Be Well, Teach Well (by Darren Morton)

  • 2 March 2021
  • Boost your wellbeing and that of your students
  • Access the Be Well, Teach Well Workshop recordingExternal Link.