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Let's talk about voices
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Le​t's talk about voices​

​​​​​​Tell us what you think!

The University of Sydney are evaluating Let’s Talk About Voices. Please tell them what you think. Click the ‘feedback’ button below for more information and to do the questionnaire.

If you hear voices, you are not alone. Studies show that around 5-15% of people will hear voices at some point in their lives. The videos, worksheets and resources on this page will help you to​ explore and learn about your voice hearing experiences.​​


​​Need urgent h​elp?

Please contact your local mental health service, GP or one​ of the all-hours telephone s​upport lines listed below. If it is an emergency, please attend your local hospital or call 000​​

​N​SW Mental Health Access Line 1800 011 511

Lifeline 13 11 14

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