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Acute consultation services

​Acute palliative care consultation services provide specialist supportive and ​palliative care management for anyone with a life limiting illness. This may include complex symptom management, psychosocial support, difficulties around advanced care planning or support during end-of-life care.

Acute palliative care consultation services are provided at:

  • Hornsby, Royal North Shore and Ryde Hospitals. These are staffed by NSLHD and HammondCare clinicians.
  • Northern Beaches Hospital. These are staffed by HammondCare clinicians.​


 Eligibility and referrals

  • All referrals are made within the medical record via an eMR consult request.
  • Referrals can also be made via a phone call to the acute palliative care consultation team after an eMR request has been placed.
  • To refer patients to Northern Beaches Hospital, contact the Northern Beaches team via the switchboard number (see contact details) to
    ​ discuss the referral.

 Contact details

Royal Nort​​h Shore Hospital

  • Switchboard 02 9926 7111

Ryde H​​ospital

  • Switchboard 02 9858 7888

Hornsby K​​u-ring-gai Hospital

  • Switchboard 02 9477 9123

Northern Beaches Hospital

  • Switchboard 02 9105 5000
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