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Inpatient services

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The sub-acute palliative care units provide short-term needs-based care for patients with life-limiting illnesses, at various times in their illness trajectories.

The sub-acute units allow people to be admitted for a number of reasons including symptom control, complicated discharge home and end of life care. Comprehensive care is provided by a multidisciplinary team including medicine, nursing and allied health.

There are four specialist palliative care units in NSLHD:

Adult sub acute units:

  • Greenwich Palliative care unit, Greenwich
  • Neringah Palliative care unit, Wahroonga
  • Mona Vale Palliative care unit, Mona Vale Hospital

Eligibility: Patients with active, progressive, life limiting illness and complex physical, psychosocial, or spiritual needs. Patients who are approaching or have clearly entered the terminal phase of their illness. ​​​

Adolescent and young adult:

  • Adolescent and Young Adult Hospice, Manly

Eligibility: Provides respite and end-of-life care to adolescents and young adults with life-limiting illness. Admissions are considered based on people's needs for care coordination, respite care, symptom management, and end-of-life care.​​​

​Greenwich palliative care unit (Lower North Shore LGAs - Mosman, Willoughby, Lane Cove, North Sydney, Ryde, Hunters Hill)

Referral and contact information:

  • Fax completed referral forms to fax number on the form
  • PDF iconReferral form
  • Address: Greenwich Hospital 97-115 River Road, Greenwich, NSW 2065
  • Phone: (02) 9903 8333

Find more information aboutExternal LinkGreenwich palliative care unit here.

Neringah palliative care unit (Upper North Shore LGAs - Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai)

Referral and contact information:
  • Fax completed referral forms to fax number on the form
  • PDF iconReferral form 
  • Address: Neringah Hospital 4-12 Neringah Avenue South, Wahroonga NSW 2076 
  • Phone: (02) 9488 2200

Find more information aboutExternal LinkNeringah palliative care unit here.

Mona Vale palliative care unit (Northern Beaches LGA)

​Referral and contact information:
  • If the person is an inpatient of a hospital: contact the treating team or specialist palliative care service in that hospital to discuss referral.
  • If the person is at home: contact the Northern Beaches Community Palliative Care Service on 1800 427 255.

Find more information aboutExternal LinkMona Vale Palliative Care Unit.

Adolescent and young adult hospice, Manly (State-wide service for people aged 16 to 30)

Referral and contact information:
  • If the person is an inpatient of a hospital or for urgent concerns from a community palliative care team, the treating team can contact the AYAH staff at any time to discuss referral.
  • For elective respite admissions from the community, a referral form should be requested from [email protected]​. The completed referral form should then be submitted to the same email address.
  • For health professionals seeking a referral form, please contact: [email protected]  or call (02) 9926 5700 
  • Address:  Old Manly Hospital Site, Darley Rd, Manly 2095​
  • General enquiries: [email protected]
  • Phone: (02) 9926 5700

Find more information aboutExternal LinkManly Adolescent and Young Adult Hospice here.

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