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Outpatient services
Community services
Outpatient services
Outpatient clinics are available to support people with supportive and palliative care needs in Northern Sydney.
Reasons for referral include complex symptom control and connecting with supportive and palliative care services.
RNSH palliative medicine outpatient clinics
There are three palliative medicine clinics based at RNSH occurring on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
The clinics support people that have ongoing specialist palliative care needs but who do not yet require care at home.
RNSH Nurse Practitioner palliative care oncology outpatient clinic
A Nurse Practitioner led palliative care oncology outpatient clinic based at RNSH supports patients with supportive and palliative care needs.
Cardiac Supportive Care
The Cardiac Supportive Care Service provides support for adult patients living with advanced heart failure in Northern Sydney. A Nurse Practitioner leads the service, which coordinates between cardiology and supportive care services.
The Nurse Practitioner can see patients in outpatient clinics at Royal North Shore,Hornsby, and Ryde Hospitals. They can also visit patients at their homes.
The Nurse Practitioner provides a comprehensive and holistic assessment. They also offer symptom management, psychosocial support, and advanced care planning.
Renal Supportive Care
Renal supportive care is part of the extended services provided by the renal services based at RNSH and Hornsby Hospital. There are weekly clinics based at RNSH and monthly clinics based at Hornsby Hospital.
NSLHD Supportive and Palliative Care Occupational Therapists
NSLHD Supportive and Palliative Care Occupational Therapists work collaboratively with inpatient Occupational Therapists and the multidisciplinary team. Their goal is to support the transition of patients from hospital to home for end-of-life care, ensuring that functional status and discharge needs are addressed.
Speak to your medical team about a referral to the Supportive and Palliative Care Occupational Therapists.