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Carer resources


These resources are designed to support carers in their role by providing clear and simple information on a range of topics, including being a carer, understanding hospital health care, dementia and memory problems, disability and comorbidities, and planning for the future.​​​​

 Being a carer


PDF iconCarers Brochure​ - provides information for family members, partners and friends who are carers and contains useful information, contact numbers and helpful tips for carers in their caring role.​

PDF icon Young Carers brochure provides information on how young carers can be supported through their caring journey as well as resources for information and assistance.

PDF iconSome Tips for Carer Support - As a carer it is important for you to remain both informed and aware of what is happening throughout your family member's hospital stay. We are committed to ensuring carers are treated as 'Partners in Care'.

External LinkInterpreter Information Help for non-English speakers​​

PDF icon RUOK Activity Book - Loneliness can be a challenge for carers and those they care for. It's important to reach out, and though it might seem like a small gesture, a meaningful conversation could change a life. See the Activity Book​ from RUOK for some fun activities to keep the brain active and get a conversation started! 

These Where to Guide for Families are designed to help you during the holiday season. Are you juggling life in school holidays being a parent, grandparent or carer, working from home, or have a break, trying to find something fun and low cost to do? Here’s a helpful list of resources, groups, and activities that you can participate in both online and offline from home or in your neighbourhood: PDF iconNorth​ern Sydney Region Where to Guide ​and PDF iconNSW Where to Guide.

 Hospitals and health care

PDF iconWho's Who of Hospital Staff is a leaflet designed to help carers understand the roles of the different staff that they may interact with in hospitals and clinics.​​

PDF iconCarer Information : Staying overnight with us - Information sheet for carers who need to stay with their family member whilst they are in hospital where that person may be unsettled and disorientated.

PDF iconCommunication and Care Cues (CCC) Information for Family & Carers   - People with dementia, intellectual disability, or other memory and thinking problems, often have difficulty coping in an unfamiliar environment like hospital and may find it hard to communicate their needs. As a carer, your knowledge of the patient, especially in regards to communication and behaviour, can help us provide better 'person-centered' care.  So when someone you care for comes into hospital, please ask about, and fill out thePDF iconCCC Form. Alternatively, you can complete this form now and have it ready for when you next come to hospital.

PDF iconComing into RNSH from Rural Areas - The NSLHD Carer Support Service recognises that coming to hospital can be a challenging time, especially for rural visitors. In a large city like Sydney it can be difficult to locate local amenities, accommodation and services such as chemists, shops, accommodation, transport and medical centres. This guide may assist rural visitors with navigating and finding their way around Royal North Shore Hospital and its local area.

External LinkITPASSThe Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme is a NSW Government scheme providing financial assistance towards travel and accommodation costs when a patient needs to travel long distances for treatment that is not available locally.

External Link REACH Brochures - Are you worried about a change in condition of the person you care for? YES? Then REACH out. REACH brochures are available in 10 different languages including: English, Arabic, Chinese simplified, Chinese Traditional, Greek, Italian, Korean, Macedonian, Nepali, Spanish and Vietnamese.

PDF icon Medicine Considerations At home, coming to hospital and leaving hospital - what you need to know.

PDF icon Discharge Checklist for family and carers - things to consider when the person you care for is leaving hospital.​

PDF iconThink Patient - Think Carer  - GP Action Guide - Supporting and involving carers in our community.  A guide for general practitioners (GPs) and primary care teams. This guide aims to provide information to general practitioners  on the caring experience; what it means to be a carer; the impact of caring for another person; and how a GP can support those important partnerships in caring.

External LinkInterpreter Information Help for non-English speakers​

 Dementia, memory and thinking problems

PDF iconInformation for Carers of someone with Dementia, Memory and Thinking Problems  - A comprehensive information booklet for carers of a person who has a dementia, memory and thinking problems.​

PDF iconMemory Problems Booklet  The Memory Problems Booklet is full of practical, useful information in a short, easy to read format for people with dementia and their carers. If you would like a hardcopy of the booklet, call us on 9462 9488 and we can arrange to send you a copy.

PDF iconDelirium brochure provides information for people who have experienced delirium and their family and carers and explains who is at risk, the causes and symptoms, recurrence, how it is treated, and the role of family and carers and how you can help care for someone suffering delirium.

PDF icon Delirium translated brochures can be found on the CALD Carers page of our websiteExternal Link

Being able to understand signs and symptoms of delirium can help you seek treatment faster. Our NSLHD delirium pageExternal Link helps you learn the basics and explains what delirium is, who can get it, what to look for and what to do if you’re worried.

PDF icon Falls Prevention for People with Dementia  - Information for family members, partners and friends who are Carers

PDF iconThe Physical Comorbidities of Dementia Handbook is very useful for people living with dementia and their Carers. It contains information about the most common physical comorbidities of dementia and practical recommendations for managing them.

 Disability and comorbidities

PDF iconDisability – Child Carer information: Information for the parent/sibling/grandparent providing care & support to a younger family member living with a disability. Explains the wide range of supports and services available, contacts and helpful information on caring, useful information on coming into hospital, looking after yourself, falls prevention, legal and financial information, and a whole lot more.​​​

PDF iconThe Physical Comorbidities of Dementia Handbook is very useful for people living with dementia and their Carers. It contains information about the most common physical comorbidities of dementia and practical recommendations for managing them.​

 Planning for the future and palliative care


PDF icon Advance Care Planning brochure provides information on thinking ahead about your preferences for health care treatment should you be seriously ill or injured. An Advance Care Directive ensures your wishes are known for when the time comes that you are unable to make, or convey, your wishes in relation to your health care preferences. ​

PDF iconWhat is Palliative Care brochure ​When someone is diagnosed with a life-limiting illness there is a lot of information you may need to help you care for them. This information from External LinkPalliative Care Australia has been developed in partnership with carers who have shared their experiences and offered suggestions as to what may help. 

External LinkHow can I support my friend/family member?  – This page from Palliative Care Australia will help you with some ideas about what to say and do with a friend or family members who have a terminal condition.

External LinkLearn more about pain and pain management – Effective pain management is an important part of palliative care. This External LinkPalliative Care Australia resource talks about how to help control your loved one's pain, opiate side effects and feel confident in working out whether medication is needed. 

External Link​The dying process – This leaflet from External LinkPalliative Care Australia asks the question of what does dying look like? What are the changes that happen and what should you expect?

 Policies that govern us

PDF icon NSLHD Carer Strategy 2018 - 2023 - A 40-page A4 full-colour report. This document provides continued direction for improved engagement with, and support to carers in our region. It provides a framework for all services to review and consider where improvements can be gained either in service provision or facilities to support the recognition and engagement of carers as partners in care, across all sectors of our hospitals and health service.​

The External LinkNSW Carers Strategy: Caring in New South Wales 2020 - 2030 This new strategy is the NSW Government's ongoing ten-year commitment to a vital 10% of our population — the people in NSW who provide unpaid care and support to others. This Strategy provides a framework for the whole of our community, including service providers, government and private businesses, to improve outcomes for carers and their families. 

The External LinkCarers Recognition Act is NSW legislation that recognises the valuable contribution carers make to our community and details how to support carers as our partners in care. 

The External LinkNSW Care​rs Charter details the NSW Government's vision to be an inclusive and supportive community that understands that caring for and supporting each other are fundamental parts of life. 

The External Link NSW Carers Advisory Council provides advice to the NSW Government on legislation, policy and other matters relating to carers.​​

The Word icon​​​​Ministry of Health Recognition and Support for Carers - Key Directions Consultation Draft​ is available to comment on until Wednesday 15 November. We are interested in hearing about your experience and whether the details in the draft set a clear direction of how we will support carers in the Northern Sydney Local Health District. Please send your feedback via External Linkthis form to Carer Support Service Manager, Barbara Lewis via email: [email protected], or call 02 9462 9488​ for more information.

If you are having trouble linking to anything or there is any other information we can help you with, please don't hesitate to give us a call on 02 9462 9488 or email [email protected]