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Carers’ accommodation

The RNSH patient and carer accommodation is a short term, emergency accommodation facility, managed by the social work department, at Royal North Shore Hospital. It mostly caters for people who need to travel unexpectedly to the hospital from regional and rural areas.

Rooms are limited and in high demand. When spare rooms are available these can be provided to people travelling from regional and rural areas for treatment at RNSH. The fee is $25 per person, per night applies.

The Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS) may cover accommodation charges for patients living more than 100km from treatment, and who are unable to obtain specialist treatment closer to home. For more information, please visit IPTAAS website External Link

For more information please refer to the visitor page carers accommodation PDF icon Info Pamphlet

Bookings for the RNSH patient and carer accommodation:
Phone: 02 9462 9477
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: 8:30am to 4:30pm
After hours: 02 9926 7111 (ask to speak to the on call social worker)