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Thank you very much for your interest in volunteering with Royal North Shore and Ryde Hospitals. Volunteers are an invaluable part of our hospital community, and they play an important role in the delivery of quality health services to our patients.

Currently there are over 600 volunteers across 60 different volunteer programs within Royal North Shore and Ryde Hospitals. These programs provide volunteers with the following types of roles:

  • Patient support
  • Customer service
  • Administration
  • Patient driving (Royal North Shore Hospital only)


Below is further information about the volunteer application process:
Volunteers are required to:

  • be 18 years or over,
  • have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccination,​​​
  • be able to commit to at least one four hour shift either weekly or fortnightly for a minimum of six months,
  • have strong oral and written English communication skills, and,
  • provide evidence of their ability to work in Australia (i.e. Australian or New Zealand passport or an Australian birth or citizenship certificate, or an appropriate visa or work permit allowing the applicant to work in Australia).
  • If you meet the above criteria and would like to make an application, please don’t hesitate to contact us by e-mail at [email protected] with your full name, phone number, email address and which hospital you would like to volunteer with, and we will send you an application pack.


When you have completed the application forms, we will:

  • arrange an interview with you
  • apply for a criminal record check, in accordance with NSW Health Policy.


If your application is successful, we will then arrange for you to attend corporate orientation day at Royal North Shore Hospital. Once you have completed orientation, we will contact you about your proposed placement and how you can begin your role at the hospital.

We strive to match volunteers with their preferred program of choice. However, this is not always possible and depends on volunteer program vacancies.

The volunteer office will occasionally advertise volunteering roles online with Go Volunteer (

We look forward to hearing from you.


Volunteer application process

 The application process can take time. Here are the main steps:


We will make every effort to contact you as soon as possible.



Can take up to three weeks.



Application forms delivered to the volunteer coordinator with four identification documents to be sighted.



Usually booking ahead at least two weeks.



Supply two written references (pro forma document).



Meetings arranged with program manager for approval/scheduling/induction.



The new volunteer now works with the program supervisor to get set up with things like a security card. Hours are finalised for shifts.