Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP)
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) is the principal organisation representing the medical specialty of psychiatry in Australia and New Zealand. The College is responsible for training, examining and awarding the Fellowship of the College qualification to medical practitioners.
Training in psychiatry requires mandatory supervision by experienced, qualified psychiatrists. Rigorous examinations are conducted throughout training during which experience and competence are tested.
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) works with and for the general community to achieve the best attainable quality of psychiatric care and mental health.
The Board of Education (BOE) is responsible for accreditation and assessment of training and recommendations to the College General Council for the award of Fellowship of the College (FRANZCP) and of certificates of advanced training. The Board carries out these responsibilities with the assistance of the Fellowship Attainment Committee (FAC), Committee for Training (CFT), the Subcommittees for Advanced Training (SAT), the Committee for Examinations (CFE) and the Committee for Specialist International Medical Graduates Education (CSIMGE).
At a state level, and in New Zealand, Branch/Psychiatry Training Committees (BTC) coordinates training. At an individual service or hospital level, training is under the direction of a Network Director of Training and a local training committee, assisted by supervising Fellows and accredited non-College supervisors.
The Registrar Representative Committee (RRC) is a subcommittee of General Council which represents and advocates for psychiatric trainees. BOE recognises RRC as the principal representative organisation for trainees.
The RANZCP requires that doctors undertake at least one year of postgraduate experience prior to applying to enter formal psychiatric training, although strongly recommends that this be two years.
Health Education and Training Institute (HETI)
Previously known as IMET was established in September 2005 following the merger of the Postgraduate Medical Council of NSW (PMC) and the Medical Training and Education Council of NSW (MTEC).
HETI Functions
a) To provide leadership, and work closely with area health services and other public health organisations and clinical training providers, to ensure the development and delivery of clinical education and training across the NSW public health system which:
i. supports safe, high quality, multi-disciplinary team based; patient centred care
ii meets service delivery needs and operational requirements; and
iii. enhances workforce skills, flexibility and productivity;
b) To design, commission, conduct, coordinate, support and evaluate a clinical education and training program for all new graduate clinical and clinical support staff in the public health system, which supports their roles in providing safe, high quality, multi-disciplinary team based, patient centred care;
c) To design, commission, conduct, coordinate, support evaluate such other postgraduate clinical education and training programs as the Director-General may direct from time to time;
d) To design, commission, conduct, coordinate and support professional development programs to enable clinicians to become skilled teachers, clinical leaders, trainers and supervisors;
e) To develop and oversee performance evaluation programs for post-graduate clinical education and training in the NSW public health system;
f)To set standards for prevocational medical training and accredit institutions for prevocational education and supervision;
g) To institute, coordinate and evaluate clinical training networks, including postgraduate medical training networks, and ensure they support service delivery needs, meet operational requirements and are, as far as possible, consistent with, clinical service networks;
h) In undertaking its functions, to consult and liaise with patients and their carers', clinical and clinical support staff, the Department of Health, other public health organisations and providers of clinical education and training; and
i) To provide advice to the Department of Health, Director-General and Minister on matters relevant to its functions.
NSW Institute of Psychiatry (NSWIOP)
The NSWIOP is a major provider of professional education in mental health in Australia. The NSWIOP is a statutory body independent of any individual university or teaching institution which provides training for health care professionals, psychiatrists-in-training, consumers and carers, staff of non-government organisations, general practitioners and the public.
Trainees are given time off to attend the NSWIOP for half day per week which is protected time. Tutorials are held at the Institute and hospital sites; with some
Rural workshops and lectures being held at the Institute and smaller tutorial groups being held at the various hospital facilities. During your rural rotation, you are able to teleconference into your tutorial group.
The Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatrists in Training also has a website at: