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Community paediatricians


The Northern Sydney Local Health District (NSLHD) community paediatricians specialise in child development and associated behavioural problems. They are able to diagnose and manage various conditions and make referrals to other services as needed. Community paediatricians are located in each of our local government areas, (North Shore Ryde, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai and Northern Beaches).

Our clinics and services prioritise children and families with vulnerabilities who are unable to access private paediatric care, or whose needs cannot be met by private paediatric care.

​​On this page:

Priority populations for our service

  • Exposure to family violence
  • Family/carer Drug and Alcohol concerns or history
  • Family/carer Mental Health concerns or history
  • Involvement of DCJ or other family support service (e.g. Benevolent Society/Catholic Care)
  • Socioeconomic disadvantage (e.g. Health care card)
  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • Refugee or asylum seeker

If your family is able to access private paediatric care please consider this.

Our paediatric medical clinics prioritise appointments, based on the child’s needs, with priority given to Children in Out of Home Care, families supported by Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) and younger children.

Our staff includes Community Paediatricians with Specialist Community Child Health training and Advanced Trainee Paediatric Registrars on rotation from the Children’s Hospital Network for 6-12 months. Your child will be seen by one or more of our doctors in medical appointments. Wherever possible, we will try to provide the same doctor through the episode of care. However, because our doctors do change on a regular basis, this is not always possible.

We do request a referral from your family GP before we can offer an appointment. We endeavour to work in partnership with your GP.​

Referral criteria for community paediatricians

1. 15 years and under for new referrals

    • ​​Our Community Paediatricians may be able to continue to provide subsequent medical consultations whilst a child attends school, up until 18 years of age.

2. Reside in NSLHD and eligible for Medicare

3. Developmental and behavioural concerns

    This may include:
    • Complex developmental issues or concerns about development in 2 or more domains
    • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    • Behavioural problems when there is an associated developmental concern


  1. Our Community Paediatricians cannot see children who are already under the care of a Paediatrician for the same issue, or provide second opinions, unless requested by the treating Paediatrician.
  2. The main concern is medical-or chronic and complex medical issues- please refer to General Paediatric Outpatients or private paediatrician
  3. Severe behaviour or mental health concerns, including acute safety concerns. These are more appropriate to be referred to Child Youth and Mental Health Services (CYMHS) or to acute mental health services.

 Consider a direct Child Development Service referral instead of Community Paediatrics for children less than 6 years old:

  • ​When a developmental disability diagnosis cannot be adequately attended to by a community/general paediatrician
  • Who will be commencing school with evidence of a developmental disability (e.g. Intellectual disability)
  • Children with significant developmental delay and compounding medical/family factors that are interfering with the assessment/management plan
See theExternal LinkChild Development Service website for further information and referral forms​

Referral and intake process

The process:

PDF icon​​Community Paediatrics referral form​

  • To be completed by a health professional
  • Please email the form to the relevant area email address (listed on form)
  • A GP can send the same information in the form of an e-referral via their General Practice software. 

All referrals will be discussed at an intake meeting in each sector and family/carers of the child will be advised if the referral has been accepted and the approximate waiting time will be advised.

The parent/carer will then be asked to complete a questionnaire which will assist us ensure the appropriate clinic time, staff and resources are available for their child.​

Locations and contact information​

 Hornsby Ku-Ring-Gai Community Paediatrician

  • Address: Hornsby Community Health Centre, Palmerston Rd, Hornsby 2077 - (Building 17 - Enter via gate 5 Derby rd
  • Phone: 9485 7533
  • Fax: ​9485 7519​

 North Shore - Ryde Community Paediatrician

St Leonards:
  • Address: RNSH Community Health Building, Level 2, 2C Herbert Street, St Leonards 2065
  • Phone: 9462 9200
  • Fax: 9462 9085

  • Address: Chatswood Community Health Centre, 57 Hercules Street, Chatswood 2067
  • Phone: 9462 9200
  • Fax: 9462 9085

 Northern Beaches Community Paediatrician

  • Address: Dalwood Children's Services, Nyinningi Building, 21 Dalwood Avenue, Seaforth 2092
  • Phone: 9951 0300​
  • Fax: 9949 6961
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