We routinely measure height and weight in all children as part of a child’s health assessment.
Your local Child and Family Health team offer free health development and wellbeing Blue Book checks for your children from birth to 5 years old. We also offer free support, education and information for all new parents. Mums and dads/co-parents can experience some ups and downs, which may extend for the first year after their child’s birth.
You may experience changes in how you think and feel during pregnancy and the first year after your child’s birth. Becoming a family with a new baby, may be very different to what you had hoped or expected, no matter how prepared you felt beforehand.
After birth, some parents may feel overwhelmed by their birth and early parenting experiences.
Child and Family Health nurses offer support via parent groups, telehealth and face to face appointments.
Postnatal Physiotherapy Education Video
Optimise your recovery following the birth of your baby. Click here to watch video
Hornsby Ku-Ring-Gai Child and Family Health
North Shore Ryde Child and Family Health
Northern Beaches Child and Family Health