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Research & Evidence

  • Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash 

    ​Learn more about vaping from the following key research and evidence: 

    The impact of vaping on adolescent mental health | Australian Institute of Family Studies (​alternate text 47: An overview of e-cigarettes and their prevalence amongst young people in Australia, including a review of research and evidence of the relationship between e-cigarette use and mental health and wellbeing. 


    NSLHD Vaping and Young People Report 2022alternate text 47: A report detailing the findings of the 2022 Northern Sydney Local Health District Vaping and Young People Survey. The survey gives local insights into e-cigarette use by young people at the local level and can be used to assess the need for targeted strategies and the need for e-cigarette harm reduction among young people.

    NSW E-cigarette Analysis Projectalternate text 47:​​ NSW Health commissioned the NSW e-cigarette analysis project in collaboration with the University of Wollongong. The project aimed to add to the evidence base and understanding of the nature of e-cigarette devices on the market in NSW, to better inform and target awareness campaigns and enforcement activities.

    Vaping Evidence Summary | NSW Healthalternate text 48: A summary of research and evidence from Australian and International on e-cigarettes, showcasing harmful chemicals found in e-cigarettes as well as nicotine and negative health effects. 

    Guide to Support You​ng People to Quit E-Cigarettes | NSW Healthalternate text 47: NSW Health guide to support health professionals and others who work with young people to effectively address e-cigarette use, manage nicotine withdrawal, and assist young people in quitting e-cigarettes.

    Australian secondary school students' use of tobacco and e-cigarettes 2022/23alternate text 48: This report from the Department of Aged Care and Cancer Council Victoria presents the smoking and vaping use data, including trends over time. The data is sourced from the Australian Secondary Students’ Alcohol and Drug  (ASSAD) survey, which includes over 10,000 students aged 12 to 17 years. 

    Electronic cigarettes and health outcomes: systematic review of global evidencealternate text 53: A systematic review from Australian National University examining contemporary evidence on the health effects of e-cigarette use​. ​

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