Learn more about vaping from the following key research and evidence:
NSLHD Vaping and Young People Report 2022: A report detailing the findings of the 2022 Northern Sydney Local Health District Vaping and Young People Survey. The survey gives local insights into e-cigarette use by young people at the local level and can be used to assess the need for targeted strategies and the need for e-cigarette harm reduction among young people.
NSW E-cigarette Analysis Project: NSW Health commissioned the NSW e-cigarette analysis project in collaboration with the University of Wollongong. The project aimed to add to the evidence base and understanding of the nature of e-cigarette devices on the market in NSW, to better inform and target awareness campaigns and enforcement activities.
Vaping Evidence Summary | NSW Health: A summary of research and evidence from Australian and International on e-cigarettes, showcasing harmful chemicals found in e-cigarettes as well as nicotine and negative health effects.