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Active Travel

​Health Promotion has worked on a variety of strategies to encourage and support active, healthy and environmentally sustainable forms of transport to NSLHD sites. The focus has been on active transport as a means of improving the health and well being of Local Health District staff. ​

Staff Surveys

Northern Beaches

Northern Beaches Health Service staff were surveyed in 2012 in regards to the ways in which they travel to and from work. This was a follow-up survey to the original undertaken in 2007, the results of which were used to develop the Northern Beaches Workplace Travel Plan.

Over 330 staff completed the 2012 survey. The results show that between 2007 and 2012:

  • Driving to work has decreased from 82.4% to 78.4% of staff.
  • Cycling to work has increased from 0.7% to 3.9% of staff.

With the Brookvale Community Health Centre opening and many services relocated to the site, the Centre's staff were surveyed in 2018 to determine how they were travelling to the new workplace. Check out the results in the following infographic:


Royal North Shore Hospital

More than 850 staff completed a travel survey in September 2014. Refer to pages 9-15 of the RNSH Workplace Travel Plan for the results:

This was followed up in 2018 with another staff survey. Check out the results in the following infographic:

Macquarie Hospital

Staff were surveyed in August 2011 about travelling to work each day, opportunities for physical activity during the work day, healthy food options and activities that would encourage a healthy, active workplace.

Over 40% of onsite staff (374) completed the survey. Here is a summary of the results:

Macquarie staff were surveyed again in 2017 to get an updated snapshot of staff activities to allow future planning:

Ryde Hospital

Ryde Hospital staff were surveyed about their travel habits and items that would assist them to be healthier at work in 2016. Seventy six staff completed the survey. Here's a summary of the results:

Workplace Travel Plans

Workplace Travel Plans (WTP) have been developed in response to staff surveys. The WTPs map out a plan to encourage staff to have a greater uptake of active transport modes.

Transport Access Guides

Transport Access Guides (TAG) have been developed to assist staff and visitors understand the many public transport options available for accessing the hospitals and facilities.

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NSLHD Cycling Procedure

A cycling procedure for Northern Sydney Local Health District has been developed to promote safe and supportive conditions and practices for NSLHD staff who cycle to/from work and during work.