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Clinical trials
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​At Northern Sydney Cancer Centre we are dedicated to improving cancer outcomes for cancer patients and their families. Clinical trials and research helps to continually expand and improve on current and new treatments.

We conduct multiple cancer trials and studies each year in medical and radiation oncology, cancer surgery, nuclear medicine, radiology, palliative and supportive care, psycho-oncology and complementary therapies. We work to improve not only your cancer treatment and outcomes but your experience as well.

Many trials are tumour based including: Breast, neuro-oncology, neuro-endocrine, endocrine, upper GI, hepatobiliary (e.g. liver), colorectal, urological (e.g. prostate), gynaecological, skin and sarcoma.

 What is a clinical trial?

Clinical trials test how well a particular screening test, treatment or medicine works to treat a particular type of cancer. It may be testing new treatments or test a new way to use an existing treatment. The aim is improve quality of life for people with cancer.

Clinical trials can offer treatments to patients which they otherwise could not access – such as for those with rare cancers. 
Taking part is voluntary and it is governed by strict rules and ethics.

For a summary of clinical trials, what you need to know and questions you might like to ask, click on one of the following tiles:

 Why get involved?

​Clinical trials and research helps us to develop new treatments, or to improve on existing treatment or management strategies.

They can allow patients to access a treatment which is not yet available to other patients.

 Who can participate?

​Ask your treatment team if there is a clinical trial suitable for you. There are strict guidelines called criteria about who can join and your team can discuss if you meet the relevant criteria and refer you to a trial.

Remember, trials are voluntary and you can withdraw at any time. 

 Questions you may want to ask

  • ​What is being tested in the trial and why?
  • Who looks after my cancer care while I am participating in the trial?
  • Who do I contact if there is a problem?
  • Where do I go for treatment and for how long?
  • What are my chances of benefiting from this research?
  • What are the risks or potential side effects? How will they be treated?​
  • What type of tests are involved?
  • Are there any costs for me and can I receive reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses?
  • If I join this study, will I miss out on other treatment opportunities later?
  • If I withdraw from the study what happens to my cancer treatment?
  • Can I still take other medication or complementary therapies while I am involved in the trial?
  • Who will have access to my personal information as part of the trial?
  • How much time do I have to decide if I want to participate? Where can I get reliable information?
​For more information:

Ask your oncologist or cancer nurse if there is a trial suitable for you. Or,

To find to find a clinical trial specific to your cancer type click on the below links:

External Link ClinicalTrials.Gov international database
External Link ClinTrialRefer for Australian only clinical trials: ​