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Social work
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Social work

The social work service is available for cancer patients, their families and carers at the Northern Sydney Cancer Centre.

Dealing with a cancer diagnosis, treatment and the impact of illness brings many new feelings and challenges. Oncology social workers have specialised experience in helping people affected by a diagnosis of cancer. ​​

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 How the social worker can support you?

​We work in partnership with the treating team to offer counselling services, therapeutic interventions, group work, in formation and resources to patients, families and carers.

Social workers can support you with: 

  • Coping with a cancer diagnosis and the emotional reactions to illness
  • Counselling to individuals and families in grief, loss and interpersonal concerns
  • Accessing information about your diagnosis and treatment
  • Considering decisions about treatment options, work and family.
  • Providing information about the psychological and social impact of cancer
  • Giving you information and education about the health care system
  • Education about issues affecting cancer patients and their families and carers
  • Dealing with body image and sexual concerns
  • Stress reduction and relaxation skills
  • Talking to children about cancer
  • Identifying appropriate resources and linkages in the community including cancer resources
  • Accessing financial services and support
  • Planning for your future care and decision making
  • Temporary accommodation during treatment
  • Assistance with recovery and adapting to life post treatment
  • Counselling to support carers while you are going through this period of change and adjustment during your loved one's treatment

 Who can use the service?

​People who are being treated for cancer at the Northern Sydney Cancer Centre, their carers and family members are eligible to use this service. 

 Is there a cost?

​This is a free service that is part of your public hospital care.

 How to make an appointment?

​You can make an appointment directly with the social worker by:

Referrals can also be made for you by your healthcare team, with your consent.


Northern Sydney Cancer Centre 
Level 1 
Royal North Shore Hospital 
Reserve Rd 
St Leonards NSW 2065

Useful numbers and resources

Social work service cancer centre: Phone 02 9462 9477, Email [email protected]
NSCC Main Reception: 9463 1199
Royal North Shore Hospital: 9926 7111
Cansupport and The Wig Library : 9463 1188
NSCC Clinical Psychologist: 9463 ​1189​
RNSH Cancer Council Liaison Officer: 0456 575 548
Canteen: 1800 835 932
Carer Gateway: 1800 422 737
Cancer Council Helpline: 13 11 20
Leukaemia Foundation: 1800 620 420
Mummy's Wish: 1300 045 741
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Mental Health Access Line: 1800 011 511